Thursday, December 23, 2010

Animation Mentor-Observation Prep

Pick a facial expression or emotion and re-create it!

Animation Mentor In the Rough 3

When creating a new shot, I did lots of preparation including: thumbnail drawings, video reference; sometimes I would select the most important poses from the reference and rotoscope them to help learn body mechanics and acting.

Animation Mentor In the Rough-2

When creating a new shot, I did lots of preparation including: thumbnail drawings, video reference; sometimes I would select the most important poses from the reference and rotoscope them to help learn body mechanics.

Animation Mentor in the rough

When creating a new shot, I did lots of preparation including: thumbnail drawings, video reference; sometimes I would select the most important poses from the reference and rotoscope them to help learn body mechanics.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Word: Shilly-Shally

"Operator! Patch me through to the Chief of Police. We have our Shilly-Shallying Bandit!"

Monday, July 26, 2010

Word of the Day

A while ago I decided to practice my drawing and storytelling skills by picking a random word from the dictionary and creating a scenario around it. Here you can see a few of them along with the word chosen.

Taking Notes

Sometimes during certain business classes I found myself doodling faces based on
classmates (girl with the slicked back hair and baggy eyes; Spartan beard man)
or inspired by a movie or tv show,
expressing my emotion (find the human with flesh melting off during a Microsoft Excel class),
or sometimes just to explore shapes.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Sketch Along With Me!

Sketching is fun, but random. I don't know what to do with them. You'll notice several common elements in my drawings. 1) Mickey Mouse: He is my favorite 2) Faces: People are interesting to draw, especially faces and expressions. 3) They are incomplete. They also have a nice, loose quality to them that can be more appealing than some of my polished drawings. Drawing with pen forces me to make quick but thoughtful choices, which strangely feels more liberating and creative when in the process.

Note: I use to draw Pocahontas a lot when it was being released to theaters, so I wanted to see if I could still draw her . . . result = not great.

A pseudo Tinkerbell appears b/c I drew what I knew from memory . . . Result = not great. But it was fun. You'll also notice the word "franchise above her, hmm...

Mickey with the dollar ($) signs in his eyes appear b/c I'm preparing a resume for a finance position at his domain. result = N/A

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Therapeutic drawing

I work to pay for school. At work, customers can be . . . not nice. I'm the type of person that likes "feel good" movies. Not a good combination. I haven't drawn for fun in a while ( and it shows, but w/e).